How to create a serverless movie API on AWS using Python, and AWS SDK for Python (boto3)

I’m excited to share the completion of my latest project: Serverless Movie API using Python. This project leverages the power of Python and AWS

Table of Contents

  1. Install AWS CLI

  2. Configure AWS Credentials in the command line (CLI)

  3. Create a virtual environment(venv)

  4. Create Python files

  5. Testing the application using lambda function event

  6. Create an API Gateway Trigger

  7. Wrapping Up

AWS is one of the most popular cloud computing platforms. It offers over 200 different services including Compute, Databases, Storage, Networking, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things, etc.

In this article, we'll guide you through creating a serverless movie API using the power of AWS, Python, and the AWS SDK for Python (boto3). This approach allows you to create a scalable, and cost-effective backend for your movie application without managing servers.


We're going to be using an IAM user throughout this tutorial. If you do not know how to create an IAM user, you can create an IAM user using this link.

If you don't have an account with AWS, you can create a free tier account using this link

You will also need to have a basic understanding of Python.

Step 1: Install AWS CLI

The AWS CLI(Command Line Interface) allows you to interact with AWS services from your terminal. You can install the AWS CLI using the following link

Step 2: Configure AWS Credential in the CLI

After installing the AWS CLI, You need to configure your AWS CLI to enable you to connect and access your account. Run the following command to connect your access account:

aws configure

Step 3: Create a virtual environment(venv)

After configuring your AWS CLI, You need to create a virtual environment(venv) for Python to enable you to manage separate package installations.

To create a virtual environment, create a directory called serverless. You can rename the directory to your own choice. After creating your directory, navigate to your project directory and run the following command for Windows:

py -m venv venv

After creating your virtual environment, you need to activate your virtual environment before installing or using any packages in your virtual environment. To activate it, run the following command:


Step 4: Create Python files

After creating and activating your virtual environment, you need to create two Python files named and You can use any name of your choice.

The will be used to handle the creation of your list of movies that contains the title, release year, cover image, and genre of the movies and automates the creation of an S3 bucket, DynamoDB table, and a Lambda function.

The will serve as the handler that retrieves your movie data.

After creating the files, copy and paste the following code into the

import boto3
import json
import uuid

# create a simple list of movie data request

movie_data = [
        "title": "The BeeKeeper",
        "releaseYear": "2024",
        "genre": "Action, Drama",
        "coverImage": "beekeeper.jpg"
        "title": "The Equaliser3",
        "releaseYear": "2024",
        "genre": "Action",
        "coverImage": "theequalizer3.jpg"


# create a bucket policy to ignore public block access

bucket_policy = {
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowPerm",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

policy_json = json.dumps(bucket_policy)

# create a function that creates an AWS S3 SDK

def store_s3():
    s3_client = boto3.client('s3')

         # create a bucket name storage-movie-data and located at eu-north-1

        s3_client.create_bucket(Bucket='storage-movie-data', CreateBucketConfiguration={
    'LocationConstraint': 'eu-north-1'})

        # Applies an Amazon S3 bucket get object policy to an Amazon S3 bucket.

            Bucket = 'storage-movie-data',
            Policy = policy_json

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Bucket exist!. {e}")

# create a function that creates an AWS Dynamodb SDK, located in the same region(eu-north-1)

def db_nosql():  
    db_client = boto3.client('dynamodb')
        db_create = db_client.create_table(
            AttributeDefinitions = [
                    'AttributeName': 'moviesID',
                    'AttributeType': 'S'
            TableName = 'Movies',

            KeySchema = [
                    'AttributeName': 'moviesID',
                    'KeyType': 'HASH'

            BillingMode = 'PROVISIONED',

            ProvisionedThroughput = {
                'ReadCapacityUnits': 5,
                'WriteCapacityUnits': 5

            Tags = [
                    'Key': 'project',
                    'Value': 'serverless'

            TableClass = 'STANDARD',

            DeletionProtectionEnabled = False


    except Exception as e:

# Create a function that creates an AWS Lambda SDK

def serverless_func():

    # call the AWS Lambda SDK API

    lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')


        # Create the Lambda function with the zip file

        with open('', 'rb') as zip_data:
            FunctionName ='serverless-api-app',
            Runtime = "python3.12",
            Role = 'arn:aws:iam::885668376128:role/service-role/firstLambda-role-hp1zb8sr',
            Handler = 'lambda.getMovies',

    except Exception as e:

# create a function that loops through the movie, uploads objects to the S3 bucket, generates a pre-signed URL, and adds items to the Dynamodb table  

def put_objects_s3_db():

    s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
    dynamo_add_item = boto3.client('dynamodb')


        # Loop through the movie date
        for item in movie_data:

            # get the coverImage of each of the movie data
            DATA_KEY = item['coverImage']

            # upload the objects to s3 bucket using the
                DATA_KEY, 'storage-movie-data', DATA_KEY

            # generate a pre-signed URL for the s3 bucket
            presigned_url = s3_client.generate_presigned_url(
            ClientMethod = 'get_object',
            Params = {
               'Bucket': 'storage-movie-data',
               'Key': DATA_KEY,
            ExpiresIn = 5000

            # generate a unique ID to be used to store the value of your table item
            movie_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

            # add items to the Dynamodb table
            TableName = 'Movies',
            Item = {
                'moviesID': {
                    "S": movie_id
                'title': {
                    "S" : item['title']
                'releaseYear': {
                    "S" : item['releaseYear']

                'genre': {
                    "S" : item['genre']

                'coverUrl' : {
                    "S" : presigned_url

    except Exception as e:


Now, let's go through what our code does. This code creates a simple list of movies that contains the title, releaseYear, coverImage, and genre of the movies and automates the creation of an S3 bucket, DynamoDB table, and a Lambda function using a zip file (with potential error) for managing movie data using the AWS SDK for Python (boto3).

with open('', 'rb') as zip_data:
        FunctionName ='serverless-api-app',
        Runtime = "python3.12",
        Role = 'arn:aws:iam::885668376128:role/service-role/firstLambda-role-hp1zb8sr',
        Handler = 'lambda.getMovies',

The above code from your allows you to open and read the zip file we will create before running the file named serverless-project that creates a lambda function named serverless-api-app that contains a runtime, role, handler, and code that reads the zip file.

This is why we created the zip file because to create a Lambda function using AWS SDK for Python, you will need a deployment package and an execution role. For more information, visit the official boto3 documentation.

copy and paste the following code into the

import boto3
import main
import json

# main.movie_data contains a list of movies
list_search = main.movie_data

# Initialize DynamoDB resource 

db_client = boto3.resource('Dynamodb')

def getMovies(event, context):
# Retrieving the name of the table

    table = db_client.Table('Movies')

    response = table.scan()
    items = response['Items']

   # List to store retrieved items

    movies = []

    for item in items:
        movie = {
            'title': item['title'],
            'releaseYear': item['releaseYear'],
            'genre': item['genre'],
            'coverUrl': item['coverUrl']


    # Construct a response dictionary
    return {
           'statusCode': 200,
           'headers': {
               'content-type': 'application/json'
           'body': json.dumps({'movies': movies, 'getMoviesByYear': getMoviesByYear()})

def getMoviesByYear():
    movies_year = []

    # Loop through the list of movies
    for item in list_search:

        # append the movie years to the movies_year list

    # return the movies_year

    return movies_year

To run your application, you need to install the following package:


Run the following command to install the package:

pip install boto3

After installing the following package, run the following command to create the zip file:

On Windows:

powershell Compress-Archive C:\serverless\* C:\serverless\

Run the following command to execute your application:


After running your application, navigate to your AWS console and search for S3, Dynamodb, and Lambda services to see your services in creation.

Step 5: Testing the application using the Lambda function event

Now, you need to test your application using the lambda function event. In your AWS console, navigate to your Lambda service console.

To test your Lambda function, click on the test button to create a new test event:

click on save to save the event.

After creating the event, click on the test button to test your application. You should see an output that looks like this:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "headers": {
    "content-type": "application/json"
  "body": "{\"movies\": [{\"title\": \"The BeeKeeper\", \"releaseYear\": \"2024\", \"genre\": \"Action, Drama\", \"coverUrl\": \"<access-key>%2F20240813%2Feu-north-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240813T182817Z&X-Amz-Expires=5000&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=7ceb0b8a3e1a82826d11833c5ec78f171420fd25a4d47fc105337fa2da511915\"}, {\"title\": \"The Equaliser3\", \"releaseYear\": \"2024\", \"genre\": \"Action\", \"coverUrl\": \"<access-key>%2F20240813%2Feu-north-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240813T182819Z&X-Amz-Expires=5000&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=663049cdda2fd63d2a14b985d5501023fbd20a180c568d9e8e5744c0945cf5b8\"}], \"getMoviesByYear\": [\"2024\", \"2024\"]}"

Step 6: Create an API Gateway Trigger

After testing your application, you need to create an API Gateway trigger function. To create an API gateway trigger, click on the add trigger button and select the API gateway source in your AWS lambda service.

After selecting the API gateway source, click on Create New API gateway, select the HTTP API type, select Open for the security, and click on the Create button to create the API Gateway trigger.

After creating your API Gateway, you will see your API Gateway URL.

copy and paste the URL into your browser and you will see an output that looks like this:


Congratulation! You have successfully been able to build a serverless movie API using AWS, Python, and AWS SDK for Python (boto3).